Η Φιλοσοφία Μας
Η άμεση και διαρκής επικοινωνία με τον επιχειρηματία, η καθημερινή παρακολούθηση της επχείρησής του, η διάθεση του προσωπικού οικονομικού συμβούλου για κάθε επιχειρηματία, εγγυώνται τα καλύτερα δυνατά αποτελέσματα. Τέλος η επαγγελματική και εχέμυθη αντιμετώπιση προς τον επιχειρηματία εγγυώνται τη δημιουργία μιας σχέσης εμπιστοσύνης εταιρείας – επιχείρησης.
Η “ΦΟΡΟΤΕΚ” πλαισιωμένη από άρτια καταρτισμένο έμπειρο προσωπικό, αποτελεί μία πρότυπη εταιρεία στο χώρο της και το συγκριτικό αυτό πλεονέκτημα το αξιοποιούν όλοι οι επιχειρηματίες και ιδιώτες που ζητούν τη συνδρομή της. Η αξιολόγηση γίνεται από το επιτελείο των στελεχών μας σύμφωνα με όλα τα διεθνή πρότυπα και βασίζεται στην αναλογία ρίσκου – αναμενόμενης απόδοσης.
Our Philosophy and Commitment
We are committed to our clients, long term..
At Forotek Business Consultans, you the client always comes first. We have extensive experience of dealing with all types of businesses. We help our clients, both personal and corporate, in minimising their tax liabilities by the use of effective tax planning. You can be confident that the level of service and commitment to you is always maintained.
You can optionally benefit from outsourcing all your accounting, payroll, VAT and company secretarial requirements to us, thereby freeing up valuable time and resources. You will benefit from having your records up to date and be assisted by current management information to help you in running your business.
Whether you are just starting out in business or are already established, we have the experience and expertise available to assist you as and when required.
The Forotek Business Consultants flanked by highly trained professional staff, is a model company in its field and the comparative advantage the advantage of all businesses and individuals who seek its assistance and support. The evaluation of our staff in accordance with all international standards and is based on professionalism and experiences
So what makes us different to other firms? The difference is that we go further. We use our specialist tax skills and our proven experience to find the best suitable solution for you under the tax law.
Forotek has dedicated many years of effort in developing extremely thorough and careful procedures that ensure quality outcomes.
Our Core Values:
- Always act with integrity and in the highest standards of the profession above all else.
- Work together with clients to create excellent partnerships.
- Respect all stakeholders as individuals and observe tenets of fairness in our dealings.
- Challenge the status quo and pursue the best outcomes.
- Give and expect honesty in all of our dealings.
Value underpins all our client interactions and we will never compromise on these..